Because Jochem got sick, Frank Renold takes over the SPUNK Masterclass.
The Masterclass topic stays the same and will be taught by Frank.
Everything you say is worth being heard. Everything that you do is worth being seen. Make sure that people hear and see everything that you do and say.
This is a two day workshop where we will take a look at the core building blocks of a scene. We will focus on movement, dialog and connection with scene partners. We will work on each of these element separately to give them the attention they need. We will deconstruct scenes and shine a light on every move, every line of dialogue, every emotion. We will make the scene go slower, but more intense and interesting by doing just on thing at a time. We will also work on creating and releasing tension in scenes. You will get individual tips and tricks to make all your input in scenes stronger and to help you directing focus to the actions of your scene partners, because everything they say or do is also worth being heard and seen.
SPUNK 2022
The Masterclass will take place on the weekend of October 8. & 9. at the Theater im Zollhaus. This is aimed at advanced improvisers. (for example “Bühnenkurs 2” or have at least three years of improv experience). We reserve the right to contact you and ask for more information about your previous experience.
Find out all about SPUNK 2022, its workshops, shows, and cast: here.